Jules Chevalier

PhD Student
Laboratory Hubert Curien
Connected Intelligence

+33 477 915 838
Télécom Saint-Etienne, Université Jean Monnet
25, Rue Docteur Rémy Annino,
F-42000 Saint-Etienne


I started my PhD in October 2012, after a Web Intelligence Master from Université Jean Monnet (Saint Etienne, France).
My thesis is focused on large scale incremental reasoning with growing backgournd knowledge bases.
I take part in courses on Semantic Web, middlewares and HTML/CSS.


My background from my Master includes advanced algorithmic, semantic web, data mining, multi-agent systems, ambient computing and information retrieval.

My thesis is focused on forward-chaining inference over the Web of Data. This makes my work mainly related with Semantic Web, Big Data, Parallel and Distributed Architectures, and Cloud Computing. I work essentially on an architecture for incremental reasoning on data streams, and its implementation in Java: Slider.


I am currently involved in courses at Web Intelligence Master, located at Université Jean Monnet. More exactly, I am in charge of the course Middleware Networks, and give some tutorials in Semantic Web and HTML/CSS. All the related documents can be found here.



An incremental, stream-based, forward chaining reasoner, natively supports ρdf and RDFS. Slider provides both batch and stream reasoning, and allows custom rulesets. It is a full Java project.

Demo Source code


My thesis is part of the project OpenCloudware, funded by the French Fonds national pour la Société Numérique (FSN) and is supported by Pôles Minalogic, Systematic and SCS